Set up a Tracking Number

Set up a Tracking Number

Before we get started, please keep in mind that only the Owner-level and Manager-level users are able to set up tracking numbers.

Also, this article is assuming that a tracking number has been purchased already or is ported into your account. If you are needing to purchase a tracking number please refer to Purchase a tracking number or Port your number (s) to Adit
  1. Go to Settings 

  1. Select Number List from the menu.

  2. Find the tracking number you want to set up under the “Tracking Numbers” section, and click the pencil icon next to that number. 

  3. Ensure you’ve set up the right name for this number.

  4. Under the route to section, you can select to route the call to your landline number, an external number, or a call flow.

  5. The Dynamic Number Placement section allows you to show this tracking number on your website specifically to visitors who arrive at your website via a specific source. These sources include:

    1. Search: search engines like Google, Bing, & Yahoo

    2. Web Referrals: those website visitors that come to your website from a specific website. An example is an insurance website that your practice is listed on.

    3. Landing Page: those visitors that land on a specific landing page on your website. Perhaps a landing page for a Facebook Ad campaign.  

    4. Direct: those visitors who come to your website by directly typing in the domain. (ex:

    5. Offline: you can use this option when you want to list this phone number off the web. (ex: a mailer/flyer postcard)

    6. Google Ad Extension: when you are running Google Ads and you want to see how many google searchers call you from that specific Google Ad campaign. 

    7. Google Mobile Extension: when you are running Google Ads and you want to see how many google searches call you from that specific mobile Google ad campaign

    8. Always Swap: you can use this option to always change the number on your website with this number. 

  6. Be sure to set up the Swap Target number. The Swap Target number is the phone number that is currently on your website (usually the landline number) that you want Adit to replace with this tracking number based on the Dynamic Number Placement criteria.

  7. Lastly, if you chose to route these calls to an external number you can choose to record these inbound calls and play a greeting by checking the boxes at the bottom of the page. If you chose to route these calls to a call flow or your landline number then the recording settings will be managed in that respective call flow.  

  8. When finished, please do not forget to click SAVE.

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