When do I need to take action on an Insurance Verification?

When do I need to take action on an Insurance Verification?

Adit automatically triggers a verification before each appointment by creating a verification record based on the preferences that you set for your practice. Once the verification is triggered, Adit’s team takes over and handles the verification on your behalf, providing you with a detailed report when the verification is complete.

Your practice should check daily to see if there are any verification records that require your attention. These will generally be records with a status of Rejected, Failed, or On Hold, as these require additional information from you or from your patient in order for us to try again. You can also choose to manually verify any patients whose verifications are in Open, Rejected, or Failed status.

Rejected Verifications

Rejected verifications are ones where Adit was unable to pull enough information from your PMS to start the verification process for that patient. Usually this is because the patient has not yet provided their insurance information.

Adit can automatically send a Verification Request text or email to the patient asking them to provide this missing or incomplete information; you can customize this message in your preferences.  If you prefer, you can also manually send the Verification Request text or email to the patient through the Quick Text menu.

Whether sent manually or automatically, the Verification Request message will include a form the patient can fill out and submit to provide the information we need to finish the verification. Once the patient submits the form, the verification status will update back to Open and Adit will attempt the verification again. You can also manually verify the patient yourself if desired.

On Hold Verifications

A verification is placed On Hold if Adit is unable to attempt the verification for a reason other than missing patient information. There are various reasons why a verification may be On Hold, and you can see the reasons noted in the Details column on the Verifications page.

You may need to take action in some of these situations, such as updating your provider portal login for a specific insurance company.

Failed Verifications

In the event that someone tries to complete a verification but cannot, the status will show Failed and a reason for the failure. A verification can fail for various reasons, including:
Expired or termed policy
Insurance company is unable to identify the patient
Insurance company is unable or unwilling to share patient info with a third party company like Adit.
If you see a verification with a status of Failed, you should take action by clicking on the Failed status and choosing to either manually verify the patient yourself or to create a new verification record which re-submits that verification to our team to try again.

If you choose to create a new verification record, you’ll need to provide updated patient and insurance information on the next screen before Adit can attempt to verify this patient again.