Adit’s Patient Forms allow practices to pre-fill certain form fields before sending the form to a patient.
There are two types of fields that can be pre-filled: single line text fields and date fields. Pre-fill fields cannot be required fields. For more information on setting up a Pre-Fill field, please see
How To: Set up Pre-Fill Fields.
To pre-fill a form before sending it to a patient, you’ll first need to start the process of
assigning a form to a patient. You can do this via Quick Text or from the Patient Card.
In the Assigned Forms window, locate the Pre-Fill icon ⚠. It looks like an exclamation point inside of a triangle, and it may be orange or green. If the icon is orange, there are empty Pre-Fill fields on the form. If the icon is green, the Pre-Fill fields have been filled in.
Orange icon indicates empty pre-fill fields. Green icon indicates all pre-fill fields are filled.
There are two ways to fill in the Pre-Fill fields.
Option 1: (best if you are assigning a single form)
- On the Assigned Forms window, click the Pre-Fill icon. ⚠
- Fill in the Pre-Fill fields.
- Click Save.
- Send or Assign your form as normal.
Option 2: (recommended, especially if you are assigning multiple forms)
- On the Assigned Forms window, click the Send or Assign button.
- If any of the assigned forms have empty Pre-Fill fields, a second screen will come up. This screen displays all of the assigned forms that have Pre-Fill fields and allow you to update all of them in one place.
- Fill in the Pre-Fill fields.
- Click the Send or Assign button again.
Please note that pre-fill fields cannot be edited by the patient. If a pre-fill field is left empty, it will remain empty even after the patient fills out and submits the form.