How to Create a Manual Payment in a Payment Plan

How to Create a Manual Payment in a Payment Plan

You can manually create a payment towards a patient’s payment plan. 

Please Note:

  • Creating manual payments is only available for payment plans and not subscriptions

  • Only practices can create manual payments, not patients.

  • If a patient wants to pay off their balance early or make an extra payment, they will have to call into the practice and you will have to create the payment using this method. 

To create a manual payment: 

  1. Click on the plan name on the payment plan dashboard.

  2. In the payment plan details page, select Update

  3. In the dropdown select Create Payment

  4. In the pop up you will see the following:

    1. Remaining Balance

      1. This is the total plan amount minus what has already been paid

    2. Outstanding Balance

      1. This is the amount of payment that have failed and are now overdue

    3. Amount to Charge

      1. This is the amount that you want to manually create

  5. Once you enter in the amount, select Next

  6. Select Confirm

  7. This will then manually create a payment with the patient’s card on file. The plan balance will automatically recalculate.  

  8. Please note that depending on the current situation of the payment plan, the flow will be slightly different.:

    1. Example 1: 

      1. The total Plan amount is $5,000, with 10 installments

      2. Recurring Monthly Amount is $500

        1. Installment 1 - Paid $500

        2. Installment 2 - Paid $500

        3. Installment 3 - Paid $500

      3. Now you want to create a manual payment of $2000

      4. We will take $5000 minus the $1,500 previously paid minus the $2000 manual payment, which leaves $1,500 of a remaining balance.

      5. There are still 7 remaining installments, so $1,500 divided by 7 equals $214.29 of a recurring payment. 

      6. New Recurring Monthly Amount = $214.29

        1. Installment 1 - Paid $500

        2. Installment 2 - Paid $500

        3. Installment 3 - Paid $500

        4. Installment 4 - $214.29 Scheduled 

    2. Example 2:

      1. The total Plan amount is $5,000, with 10 installments
      2. Recurring Monthly Amount is $500

        1. Installment 1 - Paid $500

        2. Installment 2 - Paid $500

        3. Installment 3 - $500 UNPAID

      3. Now you want to create a manual payment of $2,000.

      4. There will be a pop up that shows up

        1. This means that there is an existing overdue balance of $500. However, since you are creating a $2,000 charge to the patient, this will then void that open request. 

      5. Select Confirm

      6. Now everything willl recalculate by taking the total plan amount $5,000 minus $1000 already paid minus the $2,000 manual payment.

      7. The remaining balance of $2,000 divided by 7 remaining installments equals to $285.71 of a recurring payment. 

        1. Installment 1 - Paid $500

        2. Installment 2 - Paid $500

        3. Installment 3 - $500 VOID

        4. Installment 4 - Paid $2,000 

        5. Installment 5 - $285.71 scheduled

    3. Example 3:  

      1. The total Plan amount is $5,000, with 10 installments

      2. Recurring Monthly Amount is $500

        1. Installment 1 - Paid $500

        2. Installment 2 - Paid $500

        3. Installment 3 - $500 UNPAID

      3. Now you want to create a manual payment of $100.

      4. There will be a pop up that shows up

        1. This means that there is an unpaid request of $500. Since you are trying to make a manual charge to the patient that is only $100, it is best to just collect that $100 under that existing request.

        2. This will help keep the data clean and avoid having to void any requests or recalculating the payment plan/installments. 

        3. To collect a payment, go to the unpaid request and click on the blue Checkmark icon

          1. To learn more about how to collect payments, click here.

      5. Now the plan will show like this:

        1. Installment 1 - Paid $500

        2. Installment 2 - Paid $500

        3. Installment 3 - $100 out of $500 Paid. ($400 still overdue)

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