Customize Default Treatment Plan Options

Customize Default Treatment Plan Options

Treatment Plans are highly customizable and can be configured in unique ways to suit your practice. We know that practices generally set their Treatment Plans up similarly every time, so we’ve provided a robust set of preferences where you can configure the default values for your Treatment Plans and only make minor adjustments when needed. This allows you to create and send Treatment Plans quickly and easily throughout the day.

To customize the default options for Treatment Plans, navigate to the Patient Forms module. In the top navigation menu,  hover over Preferences and then select Treatment Plans. Select your location from the left navigation menu.

Treatment Plan Branding Options
In this section, you can upload a logo and a banner image and select a theme color that matches your practice’s branding. You can also edit the name of the practice/organization that will show on the treatment plan. These options customize the appearance of the Treatment Plan, but do not affect any functionality.
If you have multiple locations set in Adit, the Treatment Plan Display Name will default to the name given at the organization level.

Email Settings
The Treatment Coordinator Email allows you to specify which email address should receive the Treatment Plans as patients submit them. This is a required field; if you leave it blank, you will not be able to send Treatment Plan requests via email.

If a patient replies to the Treatment Plan Request email, the Reply-to Email lets you specify where that message should go. If left blank, your practice will not receive these messages, and patients will get frustrated with the lack of response from your office.

Plan Settings
Auto-attach allows you to skip the manual Approval step for each individual Treatment Plan. Once a patient submits their completed Treatment Plan and it is countersigned by your practice (if needed), the form will be automatically imported into your EHR/PMS software and attached to the patient file in the treatment plans folder.

Toggle Enable Adit Pay to Yes if you would like to allow patients to make credit card payments or Payment Plans for their Treatment Plan.

Treatment Plan Request Default Text
This section allows you to customize the default values for the Treatment Plan Request text message and email. For more information on how this information is used, please see our article on how to Send a Treatment Plan.

Treatment Plan Default Custom Settings
This section allows you to set the default values for your practice for all the Custom Settings available on Treatment Plans.
  1. Treatment Plan Templates customizes if specific elements appear on the Treatment Plan.
  2. Teeth Numbering System selects options between FDI or universal tooth numbering systems.
  3. Show Benefits displays or removes the Your Benefits section at the top of the treatment plan.
  4. Show Tooth Diagram displays or removes the tooth diagram at the top of the treatment plan.
  5. Show Tooth Column displays or removes the “tooth” number in the Procedures section of the treatment plan.
  6. Show Priority displays or removes the “priority” column in the Procedures section of the treatment plan.
  7. Show Estimate Stamp displays or removes the “ESTIMATE ONLY” stamp effect from the Total Fee section of the treatment plan.
  8. Show Insurance Payout displays or removes the Primary Insurance Coverage and Secondary Insurance Coverage lines from the Total Fee section of the treatment plan.
  9. Require Patient Sign displays or removes the patient signature field from the bottom of the treatment plan.
  10. Require Doctor Sign displays or removes the doctor signature field from the bottom of the treatment plan.

Apply Discount allows you to configure a default discount amount.

Payment Plan and Payment Method allow you to set up the default payment options you would like to have available on all Treatment Plans; these can be further edited on each specific plan in the plan builder.

Consent Message and Thank You Page Message allow you to fill in the text that you would like to display for your terms and conditions on the Treatment Plan and your thank you message after the patient submits their Treatment Plan.

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