How to Manage Payment Cards on File

How to Manage Payment Cards on File

In order for adit pay to automatically charge payments, patients first need to add a payment card on file. Please note that the payment cards will be saved on the PATIENT level and not the plan level. This means that any changes you make to the payment card will affect all payment plans and subscriptions associated to that patient. 

There are numerous ways in which you can add or update a payment card:

From the Practice Side:

  1. You can manually update the card from the payment or subscription plan page

    1. First click on the plan to view the plan details page 

    2. Select Update

    3. On the dropdown select Update Credit Card

    4. It will then open up the Patient Card. 

    5. Continue reading point #2 to finish learning how to update the payment card.

  2. You can update the payment card from the patient card 

    1. Open up the Patient Card 

    2. Select Patient Info tab

    3. In the Payment Card Info select Add Card

    4. In the Pop Up, enter in the following credit card details:

      1. Cardholder Name

      2. Email

      3. Card Number

      4. Expiry

      5. CVV

      6. Card Priority

        1. Primary - This will be the default card that is selected when charging payments

        2. Secondary - This will be the backup card on file in case the primary card fails

    5. Once the information is entered, select Add

    6. That card is now on file.

    7. Notes:

      1. You can only have a maximum of 2 cards on file.

      2. If there is only one card on file, that card cannot be deleted.

      3. If there are two cards on file, then one card can be deleted.

        1. If the primary card is deleted, then the secondary card will automatically be marked as the primary. 

From Patient Side:

    1. The request can be initiated from the payment or subscription plan:

      1. Select Update from the plan detail page

      2. Then Select Send Credit Card Link from the dropdown

    2. The request can also be sent to the patient from the patient card  

      1. Open the patient card

      2. Select Request Card

    3. From there confirm the message that you want to send out and then select Send

    4. The patient will receive this request via both email and text.

    5. From there the patient will be re-directed to this page where they can see all of their cards on file. They can choose to do any of the following actions:

      1. Add A Card on File

        1. You can only have a maximum of two cards on file. If you want to replace a card, you first have to delete the card and then add the new one. 

      2. Delete Card

      3. Mark as Primary

  1. A patient can also update their card on file after they receive a failed payment notification

    1. When a payment fails, a patient will receive a reminder letting them know that their transaction failed. Within the message will be a link where the patient can go to update their card on file.

    2. Once the patient selects Update Card then they will be redirected to the payment page where they can add a new card on file and pay for the overdue balance.  

  2. A patient can choose to save their card on file when they are paying a one-time payment request. 

    1. When a patient receives a payment request, they will click on the link inside the message.

    2. That link will send them to the payment page, where they can enter in their card details.

    3. If there are no cards on file yet:

      1. The patient will have to enter in their card details

      2. At the bottom of the page, they will have the option to select the checkbox Save This Card on File

      3. Then they will select Pay Now

      4. While the payment processes, this will also save the card details for any future payment requests. 

    4. If there are existing cards on file:

      1. The patient has the option to select the saved card to run the charge on, or use a different card

      2. If they add another card, they can also choose to save that card on file, or only use it once to fulfill the payment request 

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