Set Up Adit Pay

Set Up Adit Pay

Adit Pay allows you to collect payments from your patients both online and in the office. The registration process is entirely self-guided, so you can sign up at any time! Please note that only Owner-Level users can set up the account. 

To set up your Adit Pay account:

Please Watch This Video Here

  1. Navigate to the Adit Pay module.

  2. Select your Location from the left-hand navigation menu and click Next.

  3. Fill in your business details, then click Next.

  4. Add your Management or Ownership Info, then click Next.

  5. Add your Bank Account or Card info, then click Next.

  6. Set your Payout Schedule, then click Next.

  7. If you would like a physical terminal to take payments in the office, select which model and how many you would like to purchase on this page. Click Next to continue. (Purchasing a terminal is not required but it is the only way to accept Adit Pay payments in person, so we highly recommend having at least one terminal in your office.)

  8. Fill in your payment details, then click Purchase to complete your terminal purchase.

  9. Your Adit Pay account is now ready to go and you can start sending payment requests. 

  10. If you purchased terminals, you will need to register them once they arrive in order to accept in office payments. .

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