Reviewing Payouts

Reviewing Payouts

Adit Pay makes it convenient for you to collect payments from your patients. Once payments are collected, the platform will then send the funds directly into your bank account. The default payout schedule is set to be on a weekly basis, and it can take up to 2 business days to deposit into your bank account. 

To Review Your Payouts:

  1. Navigate to the Adit Pay module.

  2. In the top navigation menu, select payouts

  3. On this page you will see this chart displaying the following fields:

    1. Available to pay out to your bank account: funds that will be included in your next payout

    2. Currently on the way to your bank account: funds that have been sent out already 

    3. Will be available soon: payments that were recently collected but not available for a payout yet

    4. Total: the total amount of money within this time period 

  4. Underneath the chart, you will see a table with the following two options:

    1. Payouts: This shows you all of the money that Adit Pay has sent out to your bank account.

      1. Amount: the total amount sent to your bank 

      2. Status: the current status of this payout. 

        1. Paid: the money was successfully deposited

        2. In transit: the money is on the way to your account

        3. Failed: the deposit failed

      3. Bank: the bank account information 

      4. Location: which location  

      5. Date: the date the payout was initiated

    2. Balance: Shows you the upcoming transactions that will soon be available for a payout

  5. If you click on a specific payout, you will pull up a page that shows additional details:

    1. Under Summary you can see:

      1. Count: how many transactions are included in this payout

      2. Gross: the total sum of the transactions before the network fees (2.9% + .30 cents per transaction)

      3. Net: the total sum of the transactions after fees are deducted (this is the amount that is sent to your bank account) 

    2. Under Transactions you can see:

      1. Type: the type of transaction such as Payments, Refunds, or Adjustments

      2. Gross: the amount that was paid

      3. Fees: the network fees that are deducted from this payment (2.9% + .30 cents per transcation)

      4. Net: the amount paid minus the fees

      5. Description: the description of the payment if provided

      6. Date: the date the payment was made

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