Prevent unhappy patients from leaving reviews

Prevent unhappy patients from leaving reviews

Pozative is built to help your practice receive as many reviews as possible. However, having too many negative reviews will do more harm than good. If a patient is unhappy, Pozative can redirect them to leave feedback that is sent directly to your team and can’t be seen on your business pages.

To screen negative reviews:

  1. Navigate to the Pozative module.

  2. In the top navigation menu, select Preferences.  If you don’t see this option in the menu, click the three dots to view the rest of the menu options.

  3. Scroll down to find the Review Request Flow section.

  4. Select which flow you want to use

Version A: This asks a yes or no question as to whether or not the patient would recommend the practice. Selecting yes will allow the patient to proceed to leave a review.
  1. When a patient clicks on “No” they will go to a screen to leave feedback that will only be visible in the Pozative module

Version B: This asks the patient to rate the experience 1-5, the patient is only able to proceed if they reply with 5
  1.  1-4 will ask for feedback that will only be visible in the Pozative module instead.

Note: This screening question is against some review platforms’ terms and conditions and could cause that platform (such as Facebook or Google) to remove your reviews, including positive ones. Use this screening option with caution.

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