How to Create Patient Lists

How to Create Patient Lists

Patient lists are a really helpful and versatile way to target specific patient groups in your book of business.
Using our filters, there are endless possibilities for targeted email campaigns, patient communications, collections, insurance, promotions etc.
Some frequently used examples are: Recall campaigns, Unscheduled treatment campaigns, Use it or lose it campaigns, Insurance updates. 

Let's get started! 

Navigate to Practice Analytics. Click on Patient lists from the top menu. 

Click Create list on the far right.  

Select Patient Status.  "Is Active" is pre-selected.  This is the status of the patients in your EHR/PMS.  

Add your first filter.  Click Select Filter to search. 

To add additional filters press the plus sign beside "Add Filter".  It is possible to add up to seven filters.  

When you have selected the filters and specified any additional filter types click "Run" to get a report back.  
If you receive a message that says "no data" you may need to edit your filters.  

Click Edit List in the top right to edit your filters again.  

Adit Patient List suggestions 

Recare (this logic corresponds to Reports > Recare and is used to reactivate patients who have gone some time without being scheduled)
Filter 1 - Last completed appointment - Choose a date range filter "between" either by quarters (Jan 1 - Mar 31) or 6 month increments (Jan 1 - Jun 30) to keep your lists manageable for mass texting functionality.  
Filter 2 - Add an additional filter "Next appointment scheduled" and choose No.  

Unscheduled treatment (this logic finds patients who have diagnosed treatment that is unscheduled) 
Filter 1 - Unscheduled treatment - Choose a date range filter of "after" and choose a date you would like Adit to start finding diagnosed treatment.  The advantage of this filter is that it is open ended and will continue to be relevant into the future.  
Choose an amount filter of "above" and choose a dollar amount you would like to start at. (we suggest starting with an amount below your fee schedule for a filling)
Choose whether you would like to find all treatments or specific.  If selecting "all" it is good to go and click "Run".  
If you would like to find a specific treatment code choose "specific treatment".  Then add a code according to what is included in the treatments plans you would like to find.  (use the search bar instead of scrolling quick search of the codes) Click "Run". 

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