Managing Birthday Wishes

Managing Birthday Wishes

Birthday Wishes text is an easy way to create a positive experience for your patients. 

Note: Birthday Wishes are only available if your EHR is integrated with the Adit platform.

To create Birthday Wishes:

  1. Navigate to the Engage module.

  2. In the top navigation menu, hover over Auto-Reminders and select Birthday Wishes.  If you don’t see this option in the menu, click the three dots to view the rest of the menu options.

  1.  Click the Edit icon.

  2. Fill out the form fields:

    1. Send Via: SMS, Email, or Voice - how would you like this reminder to be delivered to your patients?

    2. Time of Day: at what time would you like the reminder to be sent?

    3. Spanish Auto-Reminder?: select Yes if you would like a Spanish version of this reminder to go to patients who have Spanish as their Preferred Language in their patient profile in your EHR.

    4. Edit Message: customize the message for this reminder. Use Add Variables & Links to allow the message to pull patient details for a more personalized experience.

    5. Click the Save button to save your reminder.

  3. Click the toggle switch to turn the reminder on or off.

    1. If the switch is gray with the button to the left, it is off.

    2. If the switch is orange with the button to the right, it is on.

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