In this help article, we will show you the different features in the Internal Chat module to enhance your experience and communicate efficiently to your team.
Here are the features:
On a message you have sent, click on the arrow and select Edit.
This will bring that message back into the message bar where you can edit your message
Once you are done editing your message, press Enter to send the edited message. Edited messages will have a pencil icon by it
On a message, click on the arrow and select Forward.
On the popup, select the user you want to forward the message to by clicking Send. If the user is not shown, you can search for them with the search bar.
Once you send the message to all necessary users, click on Done.
Removing Messages
On a message you have sent, click on the arrow and select Remove.
On the popup, Yes to confirm the removal of the message
On a message, click on the arrow and select Reply.
This will bring the message to the message bar, where you can type in a response directly about the quote message. Once you are done typing your response, press Enter or click on the arrow button on the right.
If you accidentally clicked on the wrong message to quote, you can press the X on the right side of the message bar to remove the quoted message.
File Sharing
To the left of the message bar, click on the paperclip icon.
This will open File Explorer, navigate to the file’s location, and on the file double click it to send it in the chat.
All files are easily seen on the right side panel. They can be viewed by clicking on the files, and can also be downloaded by clicking on the download icon in the file.
To the left of the message bar, click on the Emoticon icon.
On the popup, you can select any emoticon to use for your message. Use the search bar to look for specific emoticons.
Click outside the popup to close it.