How to Edit Your Practice Information

How to Edit Your Practice Information

You can edit your practice information through your settings within the Adit App. This is useful to keep information and access on the account up to date.

These settings can only be edited by a user with Manager or Owner level access.

1. Go to Settings from the top right corner of the Adit App.
2. Select the specific location you'd like to edit the information for.

The following information can be edited within the Location settings:

- General Information: General information about the practice such as Area Name (Nickname), Address, Time Zone, and Contact information for the Practice.

- Google Business Hours: If connected to your Google Business Page, your practice hours will show here. This is the hours that will be provided for automated missed call texts if enabled.

- Business Hours (Online Scheduling): Here, you can edit the hours in which patients can schedule appointment through the Online Scheduling module. These can be different from the regular full practice hours if desired.

- User Access: This section shows users on the account and allows you to toggle which users have access to the specific location.
If there is only one location and you remove access for a user but do not remove them completely as a user, they would only see a blank screen upon login.
- App Access: This section allows you to show or hide app access to all users within the location.
Toggling off an application here removes access for all users at this location. Please navigate to the users settings if you wish to remove app access for specific users on the account.

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