Edit status mapping

Edit status mapping

Status Mapping is a crucial step to ensure that your patients get the appointment reminders they need. This process matches the appointment statuses used in your EHR software’s schedule to the corresponding values used by the Adit platform.

To set or update status mapping:

  1. Navigate to the Engage module.

  2. In the top navigation menu, hover over Auto-Reminders and select Appointment Reminders.  If you don’t see this option in the menu, click the three dots to view the rest of the menu options.

  3. Under Auto Confirmations, click on the Status Mapping link.

  4. The next page will display a list of appointment statuses pulled from your EHR software. In the dropdown menu next to each status, choose an Adit core status that closely mirrors the meaning. For example:

    1. Unconfirmed = Unconfirmed

    2. Confirmed via Text = Confirmed

    3. Left Voicemail = Unconfirmed

  5. Your changes will save automatically.

The Adit core status you choose for each of your office’s appointment statuses will determine which patients receive which automated confirmation and reminder messages.  For example, if you do not map “Attempted to Contact” to an Adit status, patients with appointments in that status will not receive any appointment reminders.

You should map at least one appointment status for completed appointments to the “Complete” Adit status.

Any status that you do not use in your practice or do not want to send any reminders for can be left unmapped.

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