Edit operatory rules for booking appointments online

Edit operatory rules for booking appointments online

Make online scheduling easy for your patients and for your staff by configuring your operatories and providers. This will ensure the correct services are booked into the correct spots on your schedule, with the correct providers.

Note: Advanced Online Scheduling is only available if your EHR is integrated with the Adit platform.

To update operatory rules:

  1. Navigate to the Online Scheduling module.

  2. In the top navigation menu, select Scheduling.  If you don’t see this option in the menu, click the three dots to view the rest of the menu options.

  3. Click the Edit icon for the location you would like to update.

  4. Scroll down to Operatories-Service Rules. Click on the toggles to enable the necessary operatories.

  5. Update the matrix grid by checking the boxes that are necessary to match services to operatories.

  6. Click Save to save your changes.

  7. Scroll down to Operatory-Provider Rules, if providers are enabled.

  8. Update the matrix grid by checking the boxes that are necessary to match providers to operatories.

  9. Click Save to save your changes.

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